After a series and variety of traumatic experiences, that seemed to gradually "layer on top of each other," I ended up with "Complex PTSD."
Energetically I was burnt out, my right hand was constantly shaking, I had chronic digestive issues, a burst stomach ulcer, I felt numb, yet could not stabilise my emotions and very suddenly, I descended into a debilitating and acute depression.
The trauma is not what happens to us per se, but what is stored in your body after the incident/s. Because these events actually happened over a very long period of time, (which in retrospect weren’t really addressed properly), this sudden spiral came as a shock to me. Normally resilient, I felt completely overwhelmed and hopeless.
Trigger & Trauma Therapy™️ turned my life around.
Trauma & Trigger Therapy™️ (TTT) is a unique method that heals trauma and trauma-related issues, (anxiety, depression, fears, chronic pain, phobias, C/PTSD) without going into the detail of the trauma itself, which can trigger and reactivate a trauma response. By dealing with the underlying cause, TTT removes the triggers from your past, returns your sympathetic nervous system back to calm and restores you to a state of empowerment.
This “foundational reset" is a fast and intensive process done with extraordinary ease and effectiveness using a combination of Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Gestalt therapy, Mindfulness, Timeline Therapy, Inner Child and Parts work. This specific method has been created to be worked through in 7 sessions of 1-2hr each. *For Complex PTSD the program may be extended up to 12 sessions.
The first session will be 90 minutes, then the next 3 sessions are 90-120 minutes each (involving deep hypnotherapy), and the last 3 sessions are 60 minutes, focusing purely on moving forward.
Session 1 - 90min
Getting clear in your direction you want to move towards.
Session 2 - 90min
Changing old unsupportive beliefs that you stuck and reliving the same situations over and over again.
Session 3 - 120min
Taking the emotional charge out of past traumatic events (without reliving or experiencing them again). You take charge of the event instead of the event taking hold and freezing you.
Session 4 - 90min
Looking into the future with a deeper sense of safety and feeling more in control of your life and world.
Session 5 - 60min
A deeper integration of where you are right now in life and rediscovering new choices and freedom.
Session 6 - 60min
Focusing on your wants and desires whilst practicing new tools and skills in your everyday life.
Session 7 - 60min
This session focus’s on what’s different in your life now and mindset expansion.
Session 8-12* Complex PTSD only. - 60min.
Memories and emotions are stored throughout our bodies from the moment we are conceived to the present day. For many of us, we unconsciously develop protective habits and patterns around traumatic experiences, which become harmful later on.
The mind is so powerful, that it creates ways for us to perceive and feel a sense of safety and control, but when a traumatic memory is touched, there is no time for our logic to come into play. The body instantly steps into survival mode - fight, flight, freeze or fawn - as it physically relives this (unwanted) experience.
These “protective” habits and patterns become what is known as unconscious sabotage patterns; on one hand, they exist to stop of us from reliving these past events; but what these patterns really do, is keep us in a loop, stuck way back there in the turmoil of the event. We repeatedly find ourselves in similar situations, which confirm these unwanted patterns are somehow needed, until it becomes too overwhelming and the effects can totally consume our lives. When this results from one specific incident or period, it is commonly known as PTSD. Where there has been repeat incidences over a longer period of time, you may develop Complex PTSD.
By removing certain triggers and heightened reactiveness, we are able to move through our traumas (similar to watching a movie), instead of the body reliving the same highly stressed experiences over and over again. The Trigger Trauma Therapy process offers a foundational reset, empowering you to move forward with your life feeling free of the past.
Trigger trauma therapy - what they’re saying…
“Trauma is not what happens to you, but what happens inside you as a result of what happened to you”
–Gabor Mate